Sunday, September 7, 2014

September Snapshot #1

Surprise garden! This bad boy sprouted from some fallen birdseed, and I just noticed it this week.

Sir Figs enjoying some afternoon snuggles.

The hubs and I took the dogs for a walk down by the old rail station. Excuse the completely unflattering workout pants, odd hair dangly bit, and general discomfort in the pose. Let majestic Mia take your attention from those things.

Rail station and Railroad

 Selfie time. 

Yoda doth protest to much. Found at Barnes and Noble along with other Shakespearean Star Wars adventure plays.

This nail polish is possibly the best nail polish I have ever purchased. Look at that shine without a top coat! Yes, without a top coat. We're also two days in together and barely a chip. It's Nuance by Salma Hayek in True Azul at CVS.

Free wine? Why yes! 


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