Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 New Year Resolution

2015 New Year Resolution

Last year on the 1st, I did a post of my resolutions (you’ll find the updated version here if you’d like to see how I did). While my accomplished-to-failed ratio is embarrassing, it was a nice post to go back to throughout the year to keep tabs on myself. 

So, I thought I’d do it again. Without further ado: 

Lose 50lbs 

Get Pregnant 

Buy a house

Still be with the company I’m with this time next year

Only drink pop once a month

No more candy bars

Write every single day

Read a book a month

Run a 5k

Donate 5 boxes to charity

Volunteer for a charity

Pay off all credit card debt

Finish my writing portfolio

Publish ‘In Memory Of’ 

Edit my novel 

Write a new novel

Here’s too a good year full of good goals! 


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